Helping individuals struggling with love, sex, & relationships​
Hi, I'm so glad you are reaching out for help. The information here will help you get to know a little about me, my specialties, and how I work with my clients. Since 2001 I have helped people who struggle with Relationships, Sex, and Love.

As a CSAT-S (Certified Sex Addiction Therapist and Supervisor) I treat Sex Addicts and help them find their way back to a healthy place that doesn’t involve guilt or shame. Together we figure the "whys" and the "hows" and construct a plan of recovery that works.

I also work with partners of sex addicts who have experienced Betrayal Trauma which can be so incredibly painful, confusing, and shrouded in shame. It's important not only to address the trauma of the discovery and addiction, but also the loss of yourself. My goal is to heal the heart and help you learn to trust yourself again. 

Love Addicts who work with me tend to think they are "broken", "crazy", or that something is wrong with them. I don’t believe any of that…I believe people have wounding that needs to heal. My clients learn where their relationship patterns come from, what a healthy relationship can look like, and how to create that for themselves.

As an award winning author and recognized authority on Sex, Love, and Relationship issues, I have brought my work to the media. I was the lead therapist appearing alongside Dr. Drew in VH1′s Sex Rehab. Since then there have been regular appearances on Good Morning America, Oprah, Extra, Access Hollywood, Nightline, NBC News, the TV Guide Network, Dr. Drew’s podcasts, Redbook, KROQ’s Loveline, and Headline News.

I have extensive experience working in renowned treatment settings including Promises, Sexual Recovery Institute, and The Meadows and have had the honor to study and work with some of the best clinicians in the field, including Dr. Patrick Carnes, the lead expert in Sex Addiction, as well as Pia Mellody, renowned trauma specialist. My most recent work outside of private practice was as the Program Director for Willow House at The Meadows, a highly specialized and innovative program for women struggling with love, sex, and relationship challenges.

Jill Vermeire – Executive Director & Founder
Jill in the Media

with Dr. Drew

On the cover of Pasadena Magazine

Ep. 1: Dr. Drew and Jill welcome the patients and begin initial assessments
Ep. 2: Dr. Drew and Jill continue to help the patients through withdrawal
Ep. 3: Dr. Drew and Jill try to contain the drama developing between patients
Ep. 4: Dr. Drew and Jill help the patients work through trauma with expressive art
Ep. 5: Jill helps the women deal with past sexual trauma
Ep. 6: Dr. Drew and Jill intervene on a physical altercation and threats of rape
Ep. 7: Dr. Drew and Jill delve into family of origin issues and contend with a suicide threat

Love Addict Movie
Expert interview. Documentary highlighting the very real consequences of Love Addiction.
What Clients Say